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Thomas Hughes

Tomas del Camino Real

Americana. Each week has a theme, usually based on current events, such as , Roe v. Wade, hurricanes, back to school, summer, the state we are playing in football, etc. I am a 35 year professor of business law in the Moore School of Business. I will play Roots music and hope to expand into some interviews on air.

Today's Lineup

12-7am On Air
7-8am Totally A Vibe Show
8-9am Synergy
9-10am Space Waves
10-11am Out There Inn
11am-12pm Back Porch Radio
12-1pm The VoiceOver
1-2pm Radium Girls
2-3pm On The Bench
3-4pm Zesty Hours
4-5pm A to Z
5-6pm /DTACK Grounded
6-7pm Gossip Girl
7-7:30pm Swan Lake Palcid
7:30-8pm Swan Lake Placid
8-9pm Paranoia and Rage
9-10pm Senses Working Overtime
10pm-12am The Nocturnals
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