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Ronnie Rahenkamp

DJ Solitaire / PSA Director

Ronnie Rahenkamp is a Computer Science and Media Arts dual degree with minors in creative writing and theatre. As DJ Solitiare, he hosts a show called Ace in the Flame, where he highlights all sorts of video game based music. As PSA director of WUSC, he manages the station's diverse array of liners, ID's, and PSA's while working to record new PSA's to deliver information to both the DJ body and the student population of USC Columbia.

Today's Lineup

12-6am On Air
6-7am Retrograde
7-8am On Air
8-9am Brain Waves
9-10am Exploding Plastic
10-11am The Snake Pit
11am-12pm Eclectic Selections
12-1pm On Air
1-2pm Lake Placid
2-3pm out of time
3-4pm The Dark Night
4-5pm Koger Center Artist Spotlight
5-6pm My Chemical Rave
6-7pm Honey And Spice
7-8pm Hard Drive
8-9pm Midnight Snacks
9-10pm Hot Girls Talking
10-11pm Rocks for Jocks
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