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Call the Studio: (803) 576-WUSC (9872)

Nathaniel Nguyen

DJ Deep Friar / Web Developer

Hiyo! I'm Nat, aka DJ DeepFriar. I'm from Charlotte and am currently in the midst of a Computer Science major here at USC. You can catch me live on '90 Seconds to Midnight' held at 2 pm on Thursdays, where I like to peruse our diverse vinyl library for the funky old beats that have been long forgotten.

Today's Lineup

12-8am On Air
8-9am Totally Cool Tracks
9-10am On Air
10am-12pm Origami
12-2pm The Psychedelic Ripple Effect
2-3pm Truth Is
3-4pm Gon Bishin'
4-6pm Foreign and Domestic
6-7pm Nothing of Value
7-8pm Into the Saucepan
8-10pm The Mud, the Blood, and the Beer
10pm-12am Box Office Radio Hour
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