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Morgan Maddox

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5 things to do With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers - 1

5 Things to Do with Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

Obviously, after Thanksgiving, you could just heat up your leftovers and have a dinner part 2, but I personally eat so much on Thanksgiving that I couldn’t possibly do it again over the next few days. To throw in some variety to the leftovers, these are my 5 favorite things to make. 1. Turkey Chili My ...


Interview: Eighth House!

Ahead of their show with They Are Gutting A Body of Water, Knifeplay, and Show Me Mary, Eighth House sat down to discuss their new but rapidly growing shoegaze band. With many members being a part of other local bands/projects such as Gamine and Flippants, Eighth House hopes to expand throughout the ...

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Today's Lineup

12-6am On Air
6-8am Low Orbit Ion Cannon
8-9am Voices From The Balcony
9-10am The B-Side
10-11am The Mailbag
11am-12pm Vibe City Radio
12-1pm paracosmia
1-2pm The Prophecy
2-3pm Foreign and Domestic
3-4pm Road Trip Radio
4-5pm Koger Center Artist Spotlight
6-7pm The Burner
7-8pm Into the Void
8-9pm The Getting Used To
9-10pm Subterranean Radio Tunes
10-11pm The Tide
11pm-12am 89 Seconds to Midnight
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