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CJ Rosenberger

DJ CeeJ / Blog Editor

Hi everyone! I'm CJ and I am a visual communications major with a creative writing minor. I am currently a part of the blog team so I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the blog or just WUSC in general!

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St. Patrick: The "Irish" Saint

So, you wanna know about Saint Patrick, don’t ya? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I, like so many other Americans, have some connection to Ireland. As a country of immigrants, it was bound to happen. Saint Patrick’s Day is a very beloved holiday, not only because it involves drinking and ...

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Music Thru the Ages: Black History Month Edition

If you didn’t know, WUSC’s music library is incredibly packed with so many different artists and genres that it is easy to get lost. I am guilty of taking the easy way out and sticking to genres that I am familiar with. Black creators have had a lasting and irreplaceable mark on music today, from ...

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Punxsutawney Phil Has Spoken: Spring is Coming

If you haven’t heard, Punxsutawney Phil said spring is coming early this year! If you’re like me, you are already foaming at the mouth for spring break, and what does a good spring break need? Some feel good, warm weather is right around the corner, and dance music that you can jam to. I like to ...

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DJ CeeJ's Student Org Highlights

As a current sophomore, I remember how intimidating it was to find and join a club. As the university boasts, there is a club for EVERYTHING. The demand of my classes, adjusting to a new environment, and wanting to make friends made joining a club particularly daunting. Then, the Organization Fair ...

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Today's Lineup

12-8am On Air
8-9am Totally Cool Tracks
9-10am On Air
10-11am The Boogie Zone
11am-12pm Romeo's Fury
12-2pm On Air
2-3pm Truth Is
3-4pm Gone Bishin'
4-5pm Unreal Show
5-6pm The Funktion
6-7pm PAUSE
7-8pm Into the Saucepan
8-10pm The Mud, the Blood, and the Beer
10pm-12am Box Office Radio Hour
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