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Charlotte Rice

DJ Charlotte / Member at Large

Howdy! I’m a sophomore Journalism major with a love for all things music. I adore the Columbia music scene and play as many shows as I can with my bands Sunhouse and Som’bout. I play guitar, drums, and way too many Rush songs when given the aux. This is my 3rd semester as a DJ and I cherish every aspect of radio from hosting my own show, Savage Sometimes, to enjoying the encouraging community that WUSC has to offer!

Today's Lineup

12-9am On Air
9-10am Mandi's Melomania
10-11am Holla If Ya Hear Me
11am-4pm On Air
4-5pm A New Region of the World
5-6pm On Air
6-8pm One More Saturday Night
8-10pm Dark Entries: Goth Radio
10-11pm Nighthawks
11pm-12am On Air
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