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Caitlyn Melton


Hello hello! My name is Caitlyn Melton and I am a junior media arts major, mass communications minor originally from Patchogue, New York! I have been a part of WUSC as DJ R3D for 4 semesters and am excited to continue my DJ journey~ If you love watching or talking about all different kinds of movies, then my show, Keep It Reel is perfect for you! Make sure you tune in on Fridays from 8-9pm :)

Today's Lineup

12-1am A New Region of the World
1-8am On Air
8-9am Indie Groove Sessions
9-10am Mandi's Melomania
10-11am Holla If Ya Hear Me
11am-12pm Angel Hour
12-1pm Eclectic Selections
1-2pm Enter In the 5D
2-3pm The Star Room
3-5pm On Air
5-6pm Nightfall
6-8pm One More Saturday Night
8-10pm Dark Entries: Goth Radio
10-11pm Nighthawks
11pm-12am The Lagoon
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