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Alex McInnis

DJ SickBeats

Hi! My name’s Alex. But when we’re on the air, I’m DJ SickBeats. I’ve been with WUSC since transferring to USC in 2022. A fun fact about me is that I have a twin brother named Will (DJ Willcool when he’s cohosts my show sometimes) and the first concert I ever went to was to see Paul McCartney when I was 11!! I can also name any Dave Matthews Band song in 10 seconds or less and have seen them 9 TIMES! I have a Specialty show called “The Psychedelic Ripple Effect”, where I play music from all the great up and coming bands that jam your off while also melting your face! I host the ripple effect from 12-2PM EST every Sunday until I graduate this December so there’s no better time to hop on the bus than now!!

The Setonian

Playlist: Spring Break (bass boost edition)

Every Spring Break I’m always blasting music through everything. Every college kid ever has their spring break playlists queued up and ready to press shuffle as soon as their break starts, and I’m no different. Since we’re in the spring break season, I wanted to share my small “Spring Break ...

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Today's Lineup

12-8am On Air
8-9am Totally Cool Tracks
9-10am On Air
10am-12pm Origami
12-2pm The Psychedelic Ripple Effect
2-3pm Truth Is
3-4pm Gon Bishin'
4-6pm Foreign and Domestic
6-7pm Nothing of Value
7-8pm Into the Saucepan
8-10pm The Mud, the Blood, and the Beer
10pm-12am Box Office Radio Hour
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