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T.V. Static

Here on TV Static we play only the best Rock Metal, and Punk(along with whatever I happen to like that day) to get your day started. We will also try to introduce you to any up-and-coming bands from Columbia to Charlotte! Tune in every week to let DJ FishFlops start your Friday off right!

Today's Lineup

12-7am On Air
7-8am The Concious Party
8-9am Shifting Gears
9-10am Sporadic Symmetry
10-11am Exploding Plastic
11am-12pm Juice
12-1pm chamomile
1-2pm Jams and Jellies
2-3pm The Cranium Shaker
3-4pm TV Static
4-5pm The Downside
5-6pm The Milky Way
6-7pm The DJenerates
7-8pm Hot Girls Talking
8-9pm Midnight Snacks
9-10pm Rocks for Jocks
10-11pm In Between Days
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