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Call the Studio: (803) 576-WUSC (9872)


FISHCOUPE is a DJ and digital artist interested in electronic music.

Today's Lineup

12-7am On Air
7-8am Patchwork
8-9am Chasing Waves
9-10am Retrograde
10-11am The Lily Pad
11am-12pm The Dreamhouse
12-1pm Stargazing Blues
1-2pm On Air
2-3pm Passenger Radio
3-4pm The Existential Hour
4-5pm Hard Drive
5-6pm The Dark Night
6-7pm in the meadow
7-8pm Green Frog Cafe
8-9pm The Campfire
9-10pm The Kitchen Sink
10-11pm Late Night Ramen
11pm-12am The Shore
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