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DJ Bio: Dylan Adams!


In this weekly portion of the blog, we feature a member of the DJ body to give you guys a sneak peek of the people behind the voices you hear on air. This is a DJ bio!

This week, the spotlight is on Dylan Adams, a member of WUSC since October of 2019!! He had his free-format show My Chemical Rave with DJ Angel Hair Wednesdays from 12pm -2pm and also served as one of our members at large, but spent these past few months studying in Spain! He'll be back with us in the coming semester so stay tuned for his showtime!

Meet Dylan:

DJ Name: DJ Daus

Show Description: A little bit of everything but we focus on EDM and pop-punk (with a notable dash of anime openers)

Year & Major: Junior, International Business

Hometown: Marietta, GA

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Hobbies Outside of Radio: Sneaker collecting and being a Monster Ambassador

Best Moment with WUSC: Being the best member at large in WUSC history

What ya been listening to most these days? Madeon

Guilty Pleasure Listening: "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton

Favorite Gem You've Found in the Music Library: The first San Holo album

First Concert Experience: Shaky Beats Music Festival

Favorite Columbia Spot: Sahara on Main

Weird Habit: I swing both my arms in parallel sequence when I walk

We missed you Dylan!

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