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DJ Bio: Logan Miller!

In this weekly portion of the blog, we feature a member of the DJ body to give you guys a sneak peek of the people behind the voices you hear on air. This is a DJ bio!

This week, the spotlight is on Logan Miller, a member of WUSC since the Fall of 2021! She has her free-format show with Beetle Z Goblin Tunes on Fridays from 6 am-8 am!

Meet Logan:

DJ Name: DJ Donut

Show Description: A mix of indie/rock, pop, and alternative R&B with a lot of little rants between sets

Year & Major: 2024, Pharmacy

Hometown: Columbia, SC

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Hobbies Outside of Radio: Outdoorsy stuff like kayaking and hiking

What ya been listening to most these days? Mt. Joy, 5SOS, and Houndmouth

Guilty Pleasure Listening: The Hamilton soundtrack is a guilty pleasure

Favorite Gem You've Found in the Music Library: Butterfly 3000 by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard or All the Luscious Plants by Future Loves Past

Best Moments with WUSC: KARAOKE

First Concert Experience: Taylor Swift in, like, 5th grade

Favorite Columbia Spot: Cool Beans

Fun Fact: I love my dog more than I could ever love anything else

Hit Logan up with a follow on her show's Instagram!

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