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DJ Bio: David Wood!

In this weekly portion of the blog, we feature a member of the DJ body to give you guys a sneak peek of the people behind the voices you hear on air. This is a DJ bio!

This week, the spotlight is on David Wood, a member of WUSC since 1997! He has his specialty format show Dark Entries: Goth Radio Saturday nights 8-10 PM!

Meet David:

DJ Name: DJ D

Show Description: An exploration into Goth, Darkwave, Deathrock, Post-Punk, Industrial, Horror, and everything else that goes bump in the night. It's basically if Halloween was a radio show.

Year & Major: Alumni - Majored in Media Arts with a Minor in French

Hometown: Duncan, SC

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Hobbies Outside of Radio: Reading, horror movies, martial arts (I was on USC's Tae Kwon Do team and competed in tournaments for years), DJ'ing club shows, video editing, and playing drums badly.

What ya been listening to most these days? Kaelan Mikla is my favorite thing in the world right now.

Guilty Pleasure Listening: I'm embarrassed to say I know every word to "Want U Back" by Cher Lloyd, and it gets turned up in my car sometimes.

Favorite Gem You've Found in the Music Library: From the Lions Mouth by The Sound on vinyl. It's a flawless album that everyone should be listening to right now.

Best Moment with WUSC: Too many to think of one, but Dj'ing the Zombie Walk from Russell House to Five Points a few years ago was great

First Concert Experience: Eric Clapton - Charlotte, NC, about 1995

Favorite Columbia Spot: The Art Bar

Fun Fact: Gary Busey once punched me so hard in the shoulder that he nearly knocked me down. True story.

Hit David up with a follow on his show's Instagram! And check out his own blog dedicated to all things horror, nostalgia, and more here!

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