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Biweekly Bios: Noah Miller!

In this weekly portion of the blog, we feature a member of the DJ body to give you guys a sneak peek of the people behind the voices you hear on air.

This week, the spotlight is on DJ Witchfinder a member of WUSC since the second semester of his sophmore year! He has his freeform show Couples Therapy with DJ Tazeraz every Wednesday from 4PM-6PM, blessing your ears with a lil hump day magic!

Name: Noah Miller

DJ Name: DJ Witchfinder

Show Description: Anything from classical music to doom metal and arguing hot takes

Year & Major: Senior, Finance & Accounting

Hometown: Columbia, SC

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Hobbies Outside of Radio: Reading & Hanging Out

What ya been listening to most these days? Dead Kennedy’s, Killing Joke, and Acid Bath

Guilty Pleasure Listening: Weezer is guilty pleasure listening

Best moments with WUSC: House parties

Favorite Gem You've Found In The Music Library: The Glow Pt. 2

Favorite Columbia Spot: Ramen House

Random Thing: I have this shampoo called cake and it makes my hair smell like cake, I think it’s made for women but I don’t care

Tune into Couples Therapy on Wednesdays, and hit DJ Witchfinder & Tazeraz up with a follow on Instagram!

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