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Biweekly Bios: Mia!

In this weekly portion of the blog, we feature a member of the DJ body to give you guys a sneak peek of the people behind the voices you hear on air.

This week, the spotlight is on DJ Trash Panda a member of WUSC since the Fall of 2021! She has her freeform show The Dumpster Dive every Monday from 6AM-7AM, ready to jump-start your morning with beautiful, musical trash!

Name: Mia

DJ Name: DJ Trash Panda

Show Description: Free format, slow jams for the early morning, & lots of indie rock.

Year & Major: Sophomore, Music Education

Hometown: Easley, SC

Zodiac Sign: A Sagittarius Sun!

Hobbies Outside of Radio: Gardening, playing viola, and cooking/eating ramen

What ya been listening to most these days? Beach House, and Fleet Foxes STAY in the queue!

Guilty Pleasure Listening: Coldplay LOL

Best moments with WUSC: Looking through the music library

First Concert Experience: My first concert was Paramore opened by Foster the People, but my best concerts have always been local shows at NBT, Radio Room, and house shows!

Favorite Gem You've Found In The Music Library: I was pleasantly surprised by finding Immunity by Clairo in there!

Favorite Columbia Spot: The River Walk at Cayce

Tune into The Dumpster Dive this Monday morning, and hit her up with a follow on Instagram!

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6-8pm One More Saturday Night
8-10pm Dark Entries: Goth Radio
10-11pm Nighthawks
11pm-12am On Air
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