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Call the Studio: (803) 576-WUSC (9872)


WUSC is a non-commercial, community station. This means we are kept running by the donations and support of our loyal listeners! Here are some ways to support WUSC:


1. Click this link to go to the University’s GIVING website. 2. On top right-hand of page, find a yellow “Give Now” button and click. 3. On next page, find “Make a Gift” box and click. 4. Under “Area to Support”, click on drop-down menu and find entry for “Student Affairs and Academic Support” and select by clicking. 5. Next, click on area called “Do you want to gift to a specific project?” and click. 6. In the field under “Tell us in your own words” type the following: WUSC-FM Radio 7. Next, click on “Specify Donation Amount” and enter donation amount and gift frequency. You can also add a dedication. 8. Click on the “Proceed to Payment” garnet button. 9. Enter “Donor information, Payment Information and Billing Address”. Note that fields with asterisks are required for payment. 10. When everything is completed, click on “Confirm Payment” button. You should receive a confirmation via email of your gift and can expect an acknowledgment in the mail. If you have any questions, call 803-777-9109, toll free 877-349-2106 or email

Via Mail

Click here to download a gift form and remember to specify the DESIGNATION as WUSC-FM Radio. MAIL TO: University of South Carolina Office of Gift Processing 1027 Barnwell Street Columbia, SC 29208

Via Phone

Call toll free 877-349-2106 – Available 8:30-5, M-F 803-576-9872 (803-576-WUSC) – Available 24/7


If you are interested in underwriting a show for a semester, contact our Public Affairs Department at This is a great way to get the word out on your business. Our rates are as follows. Remember, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact our Public Affairs Department. Semester (September-December or January-May): 3 Spots/Week, 45 Spots Total - $450.00 5 Spots/Week, 75 Spots Total - $650 7 Spots/Week, 105 Spots Total - $800 Each additional spot - $15 Payment must be received by the Office of Student Media before announcements begin. For more information about underwriting, please see our Resources page. Questions? If you have questions about donating to WUSC or are interested in making a product or equipment donation, please contact the Station Manager at

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